My work is extensively cited in international design research and pedagogy, including being featured in AHRC-funded research reports, books and exhibitions, EU Policy Lab reports, local government reports, professional and academic conferences, policy documents, and professional publications. My work has impacted the re-design and implementation of policy and service delivery at local, national, and international levels. As a leading expert in service design and its pedagogy, I am regularly invited to give keynote lectures and talks at international academic and professional conferences, to write for international publications, to peer-review and be part of conference committees.
Most papers are downloadable from UAL research repository or Academia.edu
On Service Design
Prendiville, A., Hornbuckle, R., Grimaldi, S., De Albuquerque, S.M., Fuller, S. (2023). Deep and Meaningful: An Iterative Approach to Developing an Authentic Narrative for Public Engagement for Plant Molecular Technologies in Human and Animal Health. In: Kole, C., Chaurasia, A., Hefferon, K.L., Panigrahi, J. (eds) Tools & Techniques of Plant Molecular Farming. Concepts and Strategies in Plant Sciences. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-4859-8_15
Salinas, L. et al. (2023) ‘Teaching Service Design: pedagogical reflections’, in. ServDes the Service Design and Innovation conference, Rio de Janeiro Brazil. https://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/id/eprint/20075/
Grimaldi, S., Godoy, J. The Future We Thought We Were Expecting: How to Use Speculative Design in Regeneration to Involve Youth, in Grimaldi, S., Bielak-Dworska, A., Bielak, M., Godoy, J., Lundsgaard, A., Nowak, A., Nowak, P. (2021) Co-Design Your Place; How to use Service Design in Regeneration. Published by UAL ISBN 978-1-906908-70-6 . Download from https://issuu.com/fundacjastajnia/docs/cype_io_handbook_2021
Grimaldi, S., Bielak-Dworska, A., Bielak, M., Godoy, J., Lundsgaard, A., Nowak, A., Nowak, P. (2021) Co-Design Your Place; How to use Service Design in Regeneration. Published by UAL ISBN 978-1-906908-70-6 . Download from https://issuu.com/fundacjastajnia/docs/cype_io_handbook_2021
Hornbuckle R, Grimaldi S, Prendiville A. (2020) Beyond Science Communication: a service design approach to building mutual stakeholder understanding in the development of novel biotechnologies. In Proceedings of the 6th conference on Design4Health. 2: 230-238. Lab4Living, Sheffield Hallam University 01-07-20
Grimaldi, S., & Martin Zubieta, I. (2019). Exhibiting Service Design: designing the immaterial to communicate to a gallery audience. Organizational Aesthetics, 8(2), 47-70. Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.wpi.edu/oa/vol8/iss2/7/
Ali, H., Grimaldi, S., & Biagioli, M. (2017). Service Design pedagogy and effective student engagement: Generative Tools and Methods. The Design Journal, 20, S1304-S1322. doi:10.1080/14606925.2017.1352659
Lai, V.K. , Grimaldi, S. (2019) The Future of Service Design https://medium.com/@s.grimaldi/the-future-of-service-design-design-symposium-2019-veron-wk-lai-and-silvia-grimaldi-3a1ac09face
On Inclusive Design, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Grimaldi, S. et al (2024), Inclusive Design Framework: EDI in the Workplace Actions and Implementations. University of the Arts London. DOI 10.58129/kn1n-m289
Grimaldi, S. et al (2024), Inclusive Design Framework: Inclusive Design Actions and Implementations. University of the Arts London. DOI 10.58129/ckbf-m922
Grimaldi S. et al (2023), Inclusive Design Framework: Exploring Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Designers’ Career Lifecycle. University of the Arts London, London. DOI 10.58129/y0gd-t323
On Narrative and Design
Grimaldi, S. (2021) ‘Narratives in design toolkit’, J. Design Research, Vol. 18, Nos. 3/4, pp.113–136. Inderscience. https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/JDR.2020.115939 Download from https://www.academia.edu/50154541/Narratives_in_design_toolkit
Grimaldi, S. (2018) Design for Narrative Experience in Product Interactions. (PhD Thesis, UAL). Download from https://drive.google.com/file/d/18aIEXt-ATV57ed4JjLNpbFMapxBztxJ_/view?usp=sharing
Grimaldi, S. (2018). Narrativas no Design (Narratives in Design). Ideia Design, 1, 59-62. Retrieved from http://www.revistaideia.com/ English text available here https://medium.com/@s.grimaldi/narratives-in-design-42298f1ed5bc
Grimaldi, S. (2014). Narrativity of Object Interaction Experiences: A Framework for Designing Products as Narrative Experiences. In P. Benz (Ed.), Experience Design: Concepts and Case Studies (pp. 57-68). London: Bloomsbury Academic. Retrieved from http://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/experience-design-9781472569394/
Grimaldi, S., Fokkinga, S., & Ocnarescu, I. (2013). Narratives in design: a study of the types, applications and functions of narratives in design practice. DPPI '13 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces, 201-210. doi:10.1145/2513506.2513528
Grimaldi, S. (2013). Story of Use: Analysis of Film Narratives to Inform the Design of Object Interactions. Unknown Journal, 374-377. Retrieved from http://nordes.org/nordes2013/
Grimaldi, S. (2012). Cinematic Narratives of Product Interaction Experiences: Methods for Cross-Media Fertilisation of the Design Process. Retrieved from http://www.designandemotion.org/
On Surprise
Grimaldi, S. (2017). Surprising Longevity. In J. Chapman (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Product Design. Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Grimaldi, S. (2008). The Ta-Da Series: A Technique for Generating Surprising Designs Based on Opposites and Gut Reactions. In P. M. A. Desmet, J. van Erp, & M. Karlsson (Eds.), Design and Emotion Moves (pp. 165-189). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Retrieved from http://www.cambridgescholars.com/design-and-emotion-moves-14R Retrieved from http://www.tandfindia.com/books/details/9781138910171/
Grimaldi, S. (2006). The Ta-Da Series: presentation of a technique and its use in generating a series of surprising designs. In: Proceedings of the 5th Design and Emotion Conference, Gothenburgh, Sweden.
Other Writing
Jordan, P. W., Bardill, A., Herd, K., & Grimaldi, S. (2020) ‘Narrative and design for wellbeing: a user-centered approach’, ACTIO - Journal of Technology in Design, Film Arts and Visual Communication, (4). Available at: http://www.iit.unal.edu.co/revista-actio/revistas/actio4-2020/actio4-2020_article3.html
Biagioli, M., Grimaldi, S., & Milic, N. (2019). Special Issue Preface: London Design Festival. Organisational Aesthetics, 8(2), 1-2. Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.wpi.edu/oa/
Biagioli, M., Grimaldi, S., & Ali, H. (2018). Designer’s emotions in the design process. In Design Research Society 2018: Catalyst. Limerick, Ireland. Retrieved from http://www.drs2018limerick.org/
Jordan, P. W., Bardill, A., Herd, K., & Grimaldi, S. (2017). Design for Subjective Wellbeing: Towards a Design Framework for Constructing Narrative. The Design Journal, 20. doi:10.1080/14606925.2017.1352926
Hunaiti, Z., Grimaldi, S., Goven, D., Mootanah, R., & Martin, L. (2010). Principles of assessment for project and research based learning. International Journal of Educational Management, 24(3), 189-203. doi:10.1108/09513541011031574
Grimaldi, S., & Felipe, J. (2008). Touch my ETree: Shaping light through tactile Interaction. In: Proceedings of the 6th Design and Emotion conference October 6-9, 2008, Hong Kong. Retrieved from http://www.sd.polyu.edu.hk/en/event/6th-design-and-emotion-conference
Grimaldi, S., & Felipe, J. (2007). ETree: Tactile Interactions with Light. In: Proceedings of Design and semantics of form and movement DeSForM 2007, 102-107. Northumbria University, UK. Retrieved from https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/