
As Course Leader of MA Service Design (MASD), and now as co-lead of the Service Futures Lab, I lead the academic team in co-ordinating and delivering live projects which bridge teaching and learning, knowledge exchange and research. Between 2016 and 2021, we have delivered over 25 projects with partners from local government, charities, businesses, social enterprises and research institutes. These projects bring together students from MASD, other LCC MA and BA courses, and PhD students, as well as academics and alumni from across UAL, positively impacting students whilst generating income. I use the income to expand capacity in Service Design at UAL by employing researchers and lecturers; partners frequently donate time and expertise in-kind.


I developed extensive leadership experience through these projects, in which I decide strategy for engagement with particular topics; co-ordinate projects; lead initial scoping conversations with potential partners; negotiate and assess where in the curriculum these projects could fit; assemble the most appropriate team of academics, students and partners for each project; negotiate deadlines and outcomes; maintain partner relationships; keep the team motivated; and ensure the quality of work delivered and students’ learning experience. I foster communal leadership structures which embody the principles of knowledge exchange. This enables the team to contribute to decision-making; lead in their area of expertise; and initiate and lead projects. This is a collaborative process: whilst I have enabled team members to develop their careers and pursue personal goals, I have also learned from and been inspired by junior and senior colleagues.


Selected projects from the last 5 years


Principal Investigator Vaccine Hesitancy Social Design Institute Seed Funding £5000

Type of project: research

This is a pilot project funded through the Social Design Institute seed fund, investigating the roots of vaccine hesitancy in Southwark Council. The project will provide qualitative interviews with stakeholders (including a range of views towards vaccination), service delivery staff, and experts; these will form the basis of a co-design workshop and a sprint with students. The sprint aims to create a range of service proposals, communication outcomes and policy guidelines to aid in Lambeth’s Covid vaccination effort.

This project would form the basis of a further funding bid about vaccine hesitancy.



Co-Investigator (UAL Lead) on Co-Design Your Place Erasmus+, Knowledge Exchange

Type of project: Externally funded KE project

Partners: partners The Stable Foundation in Poland and Station in Denmark. 30 young changemakers from 3 countries were trained in the programme; 8 academics and facilitators

Funding: EU Erasmus+ UAL awarded €25000 of total €75000 budget (original award was 100K, revised down to account for Covid travel restrictions).

Outputs: 2 projects were implemented; created a publication, a toolkit, and a conference.



Good Help for Camden Families During and After COVID.

Type of project: MASD curriculum project

Partners: Family Support services in Camden Council, as well as the Public Collaboration Lab (PCL) at UAL, 23 changemaker families; 4 family workers; SFLab; MASD and MADV students and academics (43 students; 6 academics), 2 MASD graduates employed as interns on the project.

Funding: Camden provided £5000 to pay interns, plus in-kind weekly organisational capacity and participation

Outcomes: 8 student projects, one overall report with policy recommendations

Impact: policy recommendations presented to senior council leaders for implementation

My role: Managed partnership & project; assembled teams; created brief & direction; taught; managed project reporting; supervised graduate interns



Service Design for Meanwhile Use in Chalk Farm and Euston

Type of project: MASD curriculum project

Partners: Camden Council High Streets Team; Euston Partnership; HS2 Ltd; PCL; Public Studio; 31 MASD students; 2 MASD academics; community organisations and charities

Funding: In-kind weekly participation by partners

Outcomes: 8 student projects proposals

Impact: Proposals will be brought forward towards implementation by the Public Studio

My role: Managed partnership, brief, and project; assembled teams



Covid-19 Camden Council Response Food Distribution Project

Type of project: MASD non-curriculum project

Partners: 5 departments within Camden Council; PCL; UAL Digital Transformation; 1 Service Designer from Engine; 1 PhD student; 23 MASD students; 1 MASD academic

Funding: daily in-kind participation from partners

Outcomes: digital system for monitoring and assigning food deliveries

Impact: outcome was delivered and implemented and still in use 6 months later; this allows the delivery staff to change as and when people come in and out of furlough

My role: Collaboratively set up briefs and partnership; assembled teams; taught the project


Covid-19 Camden Council Response Volunteer Brokerage/Vetting/Training Project

Type of project: MASD non-curriculum project

Partners: 3 departments within Camden Council; 3 charities; PCL; UAL Digital Transformation; 1 Service Designer from Engine; 1 PhD student; 23 MASD students; 1 MASD academic

Funding: daily in-kind participation from partners

Outcomes: redesign processes for volunteer onboarding and modifications to online platform

Impact: online platforms were modified in line with suggestions

My role: Collaboratively set up briefs and partnership; assembled teams; taught the project


Volunteering Service for LCC

Type of project: MASD curriculum project

Partners: LCC Business and Innovation; 3 local charities; SFLab; 3 MASD academics; 39 MASD students; 15 students from other MAs at LCC.

Funding: Bi-weekly in-kind participation from LCC B&I, in-kind from charities

Outcomes: 5 service proposals for an LCC Volunteering Service

Impact: LCC B&I commissioned this piece of work to help shape a volunteering service

My role: Set up briefs; assembled academic team.


New Service Development for Sexual Health

Type of project: MASD curriculum project

Partners: SH:24, SFLab; 3 MASD academics; 39 MASD students; 15 students from other MAs at LCC.

Funding: £5000

Outcomes: 1 service proposal

My role: Set up the partnership; assembled academic team; set up brief.



Tackling Transient Work & Homelessness

Type of project: MASD non-curriculum project

Partners: St Mungo’s; 20 MASD students; one MASD graduate employed on the project; 1 MASD academic

Funding: In-kind participation in the project; in-kind stakeholder management

Outcomes: student and graduate work contributed to St Mungo’s report

My role: Facilitated the student and graduate involvement in the project.


Southwark Over 65 Mobility Consultation

Type of project: MASD non-curriculum project

Partners: Southwark Council, SFLab; 20 MASD students; 2 MASD academics; SFLab

Funding: £5000 to pay students and academics for their work

Outcomes: Report with qualitative research

Impact: Influenced policy decisions in Southwark Council

My role: Set up the partnership; manged academic team; set up brief.


Resilient Ageing in Lambeth

Type of project: MASD curriculum project

Partners: Age UK Lambeth; 1 consultant; SFLab; 39 MASD students; 2 MASD academics

Funding: in-kind one day a week of consultant time plus two sessions with CEO

Outcomes: 7 student projects

Impact: Projects used as proof of concept within Age UK.

My role: Collaboratively set up partnership; manged academic team; set up brief; taught on the project.


London Design Festival Sprint on Ageing Better

Type of project: SFLab non-curriculum project

Partners: Design Council; Age UK; SFLab; 10 students from across LCC, 15 international and local participants; 3 MASD academics

Funding: internal LCC funding of £3000

Outcomes: service proposals, exhibition.

Impact: led to further in-depth project.

My role: Collaboratively set up partnership, collaboratively managed the project.



Encouraging Take-up of Electric Vehicles (EV) in South London

Type of project: MASD curriculum project

Partners: (EV startup) and Spotless (Service Design Consultancy); 30 MASD students; 2 MASD academics

Funding: in-kind participation: 2 senior service designers weekly workshops and CEO time

Outcomes: 7 service proposals, one exhibition

Impact: Service proposals are used as proof-of-concept by Chargy

My role: Collaboratively set up partnership; manged academic team; set up brief


The Future of Government 2030+

Type of project: MASD curriculum project

Partners: European Union Joint Research Commission; Social Design Institute; Camden Council; EU Policy Lab, UK Policy Lab.

Funding: £5000 for commissioned work by EU JRC

Outcomes: 6 speculative service proposals with artefacts, several exhibitions

Impact: student proposals used in the EU JRC report, presented at the Future of Government conference at EU parliament, exhibited at EU commission and in a touring exhibition. Student presentations involved elected council officials among others.

My role: Collaborated in setting up the partnership, some teaching and reporting activity



Citizen-Scientist in Parenting Science Gang: Breastmilk Composition project.

Type of project: Research

Funding: £10000 from Wellcome Trust

Partners: Imperial College London; Hearts Milk Bank; citizen-scientists recruited through Facebook groups.

Impact: this has helped change national guidelines for milk donation to milk banks, lifting the maximum age from 1 to 2, increasing people who can donate, in turn saving more premature babies’ lives.

My Role: As part of the online group of citizen scientists I collaborated in designing the research, recruiting experts to advise and analyse the data, recruiting participants, gaining NHS ethics approval, organising sample donations.



Principal Investigator Experience of Giving Birth in Hospital Knowledge Transfer Fund

Type of Project: KE project

Funding: £7000 (internal)

Partners: 6 UCLH midwives, 6 families

Outputs: report with insights from qualitative research with staff and patients, designed service proposals, further design briefs and a digital app.